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Store hårklemmer

Large Hair Clips

Here you can shop our selection of large hair clips. The hair clips are in the size 10-13.5 cm. Hair clips are selected for those of you who have previously had problems with the hair clips not being able to hold your big, strong hair. At Cillouettes, we have had that problem ourselves! And that is one of the reasons why we have created our Naomi and Emma hair clip.

The Naomi hair clip is a "normal" large hair clip of 10 cm. The hair clip fits both normal hair, but can still hold the large, strong hair.

The Emma hair clip is our XL hair clip of 12.5 cm. The hair clip has had the buckle in the hair clip replaced, so that it can safely hold your hair all day long. In addition, the teeth in the hair clip are also of extra size, so they are firmly attached to your strong hair.

Were you looking for a smaller hair clip instead? So click here and see our collections of smaller clamps

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